KOSTAL Environmental Guideline Introduction This guideline was issued by Leopold Kostal GmbH & Co. KG and the Kostal Industrie GmbH & Co. KG and all their affiliated companies, hereinafter referred to as KOSTAL. In its Code of Conduct, KOSTAL commits to free enterprise and fair competition, but only in line with common legal, moral, and ethical values. In order to make these values visible, KOSTAL has established a corporate guideline, the „KOSTAL Values“. These values apply to all employees worldwide and they reflect the essential principles that should be followed without saying not only in business life, but in every interpersonal interaction. Accordingly, all employees and companies belonging to KOSTAL have committed themselves to comply with these values. KOSTAL considers itself as a partner that supports its customers locally around the globe. As an internationally active company with customers all over the world, compliance with regulations, but also the creation of new standards in environmental protection, is a special concern for KOSTAL. That is, because everyone‘s future is determined by our actions today. All activities associated with the development, manufacturing, and sales of KOSTAL products have a direct or indirect impact on the environment and are reviewed on a regular basis and revised if necessary. Environmental protection is therefore an important task of the company. KOSTAL will therefore observe the following principles of the Environmental Guideline. Based on the principles presented in this guideline, business unit and / or site-specific policies can be derived. The Group Management Andreas Kostal Kai Knickmann Dr. Gregor Mark Schmeken Executive Director Managing Director Managing Director 20